brokering the Governance Framework for the
3D Geo-referenced Digital Built & Legal Environment (3D Geo-DBLE)
Historical Intent
VANZ does NOT denote a ‘single operating system or platform’ or ‘central control’.
Instead, it aims to unite the very wide range of government, industry, research and community interests under a common Legal Framework across Australia and New Zealand - to deliver a seamless virtual world that mirrors BOTH the physical attributes and legal entitlements of the real world.
At base, it reflects a simple principle: "That, as far as possible, each person and organization should have the same rights in VANZ (the 'Authorised Virtual World'), as they have in regard to the real-world property that VANZ models".
This principle is capable of being applied across all jurisdictions in all countries. If enacted globally, it will mean that people who understand their property rights, responsibilities and restrictions in the Real World, can readily translate them into the 'Authorised Virtual World'.
The very real alternative, is the explosive development of new legislation in every jurisdiction (not just in Australia and New Zealand, but globally), aimed at trying to separately regulate different 'bits' of the virtual world to protect privacy and security, and to clarify liability. Under this 'nightmare scenario', everyone would have to deal with a whole new set of laws that differ within every jurisdiction that may also conflict with and confuse rights, responsibilities and restrictions in the real world. ​​
'Property' is a legal construct that is applied to 'physical' objects. The aim is to apply the same construct in the same way to the equivalent 'virtual objects' in the 'Authorised Virtual World'.
Just as the existing legal framework leaves people free to conduct their own affairs in the real world with greater security, privacy and certainty, than without it - so the proposed VANZ Framework aims to give people the freedom to conduct their own affairs with more security, privacy and certainty in the virtual world - than without it.
It also provides a Secure Data Holding and Access solution in the form of a Network of Data Banks charged with holding all 'property-related' information 'in perpetuity' (on behalf of property owners and the community) - subject to a single National Regulator.​
By establishing the notion of an 'Authorised Data Bank', it becomes easy to determine what is the 'Authorised Model' to which the relevant rights, responsibilities and restrictions apply, namely: 'that represented by the data deposited in an Authorised Data Bank that uniquely describe specific attributes of the physical world'.
The Framework is also expected to dramatically reduce costs and complexity in all facets of ‘property-related’ activities, as well as providing a focus for the development of integrated processes and software solutions.